Who Can Benefit?

If you feel called to the Biodynamic Approach, this can be the most important indication you can benefit from working this way – please enquire to discuss further.

Laura Irvine typically works with men and women who have strong caring values.

These can have been adopted when taking on a caring role at a very young age.

Often busy professionals, they tend to find the Biodynamic approach when they need to recover following a medical intervention or are seeking support with a longer term medical condition; including mothers (as well as fathers and grandparents) immediately after difficult births or ready for their next birth.

Prone to overcommitment, self-sacrifice, self doubt and overthinking, you want to move beyond anguish and connect with the wisdom in your body, as a route to restore confidence in your primary nature.
As you allow yourself to truly receive what you need, there can be a paradigm shift, aligning your deepest values with your nature. This is a quiet revolution, as you come out of conflict and compromise, and allow a gentle unfolding towards renewed purpose, creativity and pleasure.

You do not need to be in physical pain to attend. The Biodynamic Approach can meet you where you are: reducing isolation, bringing relief, helping to shed those myths around identity which cause pain, and reminding you of your own health, value and wholeness.

If you are experiencing bereavement or loss, the presence of another can allow the chance to experience feelings that would be unbearable alone
If you are having problems or relationship difficulties or facing challenging working conditions and conflicts, biodynamic treatment can help restore your natural peace, so you can can refresh your approach.

Biodynamic treatment can offer ‘complementary’ support through long term illness, or recovery from an operation or road traffic accident, and ease stress-related conditions.

Trauma, whether physical or emotional or both, (and can include the unwanted side effects of diagnoses and treatment for life threatening illnesses), has an underlying physiology which needs support to unravel.

Biodynamic therapy by communicating with and beyond words, through our cells, in our biofield, to our souls, can reconnect you to your true self, your soul, your source, so you can each establish a deep basis for peace, making it safer and safer to flow and be in the world as your self.

Honouring your values, and remembering your self.

To enquire about working with Laura Irvine